AWS can offer you a nationwide coverage on our tipper service.Tippers lorries are a quicker alternative to
roll-on/roll-off containers for removing large amounts of inert or contaminated soils (frequently referred to as muck away) from construction sites, land remediation projects and civil engineering works.
If you have plant available on site you can easily load tippers with:
- soil
- bricks, rubble, concrete, stone
- wood
- metal
Our muck away tipper service is ideal as an alternative to
grab lorry hire when you already have a loading shovel on site. They are a more cost-effective option than using roll-on/roll-off containers, especially if space on site is at a premium.
We can offer 4, 6 and 8 wheeled tipper vehicles, depending on your requirements and availability.
Typical weight that each muck away tipper vehicle can carry