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0121 663 0232

Artemes Waste Solutions - Hazardous Waste Removal

AWS provides hazardous waste collection solutions for clients all around the UK.

Our services include collections of :

> Asbestos (bonded and fibrous)
> Waste oils (drummed oils, machine oil, cooking oil)
> Paints
> Mastics
> Aerosols
> WEEE (Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment)
> White (Fridges, freezers, chillers, washing machines, tumble dryers)
> Contaminated soils
> Japanese knotweed

It is important that you provide us with as much information as possible due to the nature of these wastes, so we can provide the most cost-effective and legally compliant solution.

Call us now!

AWS - Artemes Waste Solutions
Artemes Waste Solutions Ltd

Wassell Grove Business Centre
Wassell Grove Lane, Hagley
Stourbridge DY9 9JH

T: 0121 663 0232

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